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Valve Selection: Driving Towards The Perfect Fit. Understanding Valve Selection. Key Considerations For Optimal Performance.

Comparison by: Kevin Worrall

Selecting a valve can be a lot like selecting a vehicle. They come in different shapes, sizes and options. When making a decision, it is important to know what the valve/vehicle is going to primarily be used for. Things like frequency of use, how is it being used, where it is being used (indoors/outdoors, warm/cold climate), what is it being used for? These are all determining factors for choosing a vehicle as well as a valve.
When choosing a vehicle you also need to look at what options you want/need. Do you need leather seats because you tend to frequently spill your coffee on the way to work? Material seats might not be what you want and you are willing to pay extra to have leather seats. Similarly, if you have an application where you want complete control over the rate of flow, you may want to spend a little bit more to get an infinite position switch or a variable position switch.
What about temperature-controlled seats? In the winter you’re too cold and in the summer you’re too hot. Similarly, where is your valve being installed? Do you have a pneumatic valve being installed outdoors in freezing temperatures? Getting a polar lube kit option to keep the line from freezing may be an option you want. What about a valve being installed outdoors and exposed to moisture? You may want a sealed body option to keep moisture from getting into the valve. Each application and customer need is different. Lorenz has over 40 years of experience and has dealt with countless applications. Our team is well versed on what options will satisfy your needs and ensure the performance of our product.
Lastly, it is important to understand that like a vehicle, it is recommended that valves are included in regular maintenance/inspection schedules. Doing so will not only increase the longevity of the valve/vehicle but also help spot issues such as wearing before needing to be replaced. When you take your vehicle in for regular maintenance they usually check the tread on your tires to see how worn out they are. Depending on the result of the inspection they may recommend purchasing new ones. This is also true with valves. Upon regular inspection, you may notice the shims are starting to wear and you have pulled the shims and tightened the valve to the last shim. It is at this point you may start thinking about purchasing a replacement kit. Lorenz keeps each customer’s purchase in our system with the serial number that is provided on the valve. Having this information readily available allows Lorenz to provide our customers with the correct replacement parts should anything wear or get damaged. Scanning our new QR code will also help understand the valve that is installed in your system.

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